
I’m not sure how chemistry works, when certain humans and pets make a permanent impression on our lives. Terry made an impression on me in our first introductions. We didn’t have a clue that 7 ½ years later, we would marry at end of 3 months of dating. God had a huge role to play in our lives, that’s for sure. And, sometimes, we have to follow that sense of feeling, emotion, naiveté, and, spiritual guiding.

Animals have an innate ability to sense and judge, who they can trust and love. It’s the luck of the draw when you bring a pet into your home. At the first meeting a cat can size you up without blinking, and decide if you’re worth their time, and attention. We had that pet. He sized us up before he moved from the neighbor’s house to ours. Several bird feeders in the backyard, didn’t hurt. One by one, they disappeared. The bird feeders.

I came home from work one day, and found a cat sleeping at the end of my mother’s bed. She had been sick, and, he noticed. Dexter moved in a few months later, and over the next eleven years, he laid by her side when she was sick. And, toward the end of her days, he barely left her side. Five months after she passed, he followed. She still needed Dexter, and maybe his job wasn’t over.

Never overlook chemistry. You might find a ‘Terry’ or a ‘Dexter’ hidden in the treasure.

Dexter’s last walk-about, March 2, 2018, before he passed from a tumor on March 12, 2018.